Hi! Janet here, owner of Shepherdstown Mystery Walks haunted ghost, history and mystery tour. This tour has been around for oh, over a decade now. Even more exciting is the fact that Shepherdstown Mystery Walks is the winner of two TripAdvisor Traveller’s Choice Awards! Check us out on Facebook where you will find more tour pictures and information.
The absolutely fabulous Dana Mitchell, famed historian, author and knower-of-everything-metaphysical founded this tour at the request of the Shepherdstown Visitor Center in conjunction with Shepherd University back in 2011-2012. Dana based the haunted walking tour on true stories, on the history and on the hauntings of Shepherdstown. Dana grew the tour to one of the best ghost tours in West Virginia. Dana even lived some of the stories included in this tour! More on the founding of Shepherdstown Mystery Walks in a future blog!
About me! So, I always ‘knew’ things, even as a kid. I knew things that were going on; I had conversations with folks I was close to, without talking. I would reach for a phone and it would start ringing. I would think about someone I had not seen for months, only to have them walk back into my life. I ‘heard’ conversations all the time, held by folks who were not there. This was commonplace in my life and I simply thought everyone did this. Let me tell you…being a teen girl, hearing what other girls were ‘thinking’ was ROUGH!
I thank my Mother, first of all, for being open to me about this. My Mother and I would talk, non-stop, without words. I’m talking full conversations. I am very grateful to my Father, who was also open to this, and who decided we should do Past Life Regressions as a family unit. What an eye opening experience those were (more on these in a future blog post!).
And then, there was The Incident. I was hurt very badly in an after-hours horsebackriding accident when I was 14 and my Mother ‘knew’ it and sent my Father down a very precisely mapped out dirt road to find me. I had been on a midnight moonlight ride with my best friend, and we were galloping and fell off, from the back of a neighbor’s pony. We lived in a very rural place, with only dirt roads. I was knocked out and had a very bad head injury. My friend ad I woke up sometime later, in the middle of this barren, desolate dirt road, both absolutely drenched in blood (me from a deep head wound) and we started walking home. We both tried to figure out the direction we were walking, only by moonlight, and also with bad concussions, only to discover my Father walking toward us; my Mother had sent him to find me, knowing what had happened. Wow. This was my first glimpse into the other side of the curtain.
Father for supported me in my quest. My Dad’s mother (my paternal grandmother) was a hard-core medium in Colorado Springs before and during the Great Depression. My Dad remembers, very well, his Mother telling him what was going on with different folks in town, who was going to die and who was very sick, only to soon discover, her information was accurate.
Life moved forward and I learned to stay in the shadows. Then, later in life, I was lucky enough to hook up with a strong paranormal group in Northern Maryland and through them, was introduced to fabulous, well organized paranormal investigations and also to several paranormal TV shows, and I finally knew I was home.
So, after aquiring this haunted ghost tour from Dana back in 2018, I have added my personal experiences and flair to this tour. And an extra bonus…this ghost tour also affords me the opportunity dress in period costume, carry an authentic period wooden candle lantern and totally indulge my love of history! And thanks to you, we are now a Trip Advisor Traveller’s Choice tour, 2 years in a row! Be sure to buy your ticket now at BOOK A TOUR on this website.
Thank you! Janet